Sunday, November 26, 2017

King of kings

Today’s gospel lesson is one of those hard sayings from the Bible.  And as one preacher put it, “There are no hymns based on this passage, and very few pictures –none in the Sunday school classrooms.  This is an apocalyptic reading worthy of the Revelation of John.

Today is the last Sunday of the church year – Christ the King Sunday.  It culminates in the acknowledgement of Jesus as the King of kings and Lord of Lords.  We are to the point of knowing that it is not enough to think of Jesus as our friend or brother.  It’s not enough to think of Jesus as a great teacher or healer.  Jesus is all of these things, but as Paul puts it in the letter to the Corinthians, “God has put all things in subjection under him.” 

We've been building up to this point for some time now  There is an underlying assumption that all who belong to Christ will be included in his kingdom.  It goes so far as to intimate that if you are a member of Christ’s body, you really have to work at it in order to be excluded from his kingdom.  

Last week we heard the story of three servants who were each given a great gift from their master when he left on a journey.  The assumption is that these were trusted members of the master’s extended household.  

Two servants use their gifts wisely and bear much fruit.  The third, however, is fearful and allows his fearfulness to control his actions.  Instead of using the gift he was given, he buried it – as if it had never existed.  And when the master comes back, he gives the gift to someone who will use it, and casts out the lazy and fearful servant.

Today’s story is not a parable.  A parable always starts with common everyday images and projects a heavenly connection.  Today’s story starts with the heavenly connection – the King sits on the throne and all the nations pass before him.  And we see the sheep separated from the goats and we see the goats cast down to eternal punishment. That’s great as long as you know you are a sheep.  But for many of us it grates against our sensitivities, because even if we think we might pass the muster, we know and love people who might not pass.


We're living in a time and culture that is something of an enigma.  On one hand, in the business world, it's a dog eat dog world (or in the case we might call it a goat’s world) - companies swallow up “mom-and-pop operations’ - Donald Trump used to give young aspiring executives an opportunity of a lifetime and then publicly fire them on TV for not being as good as someone else.  

Some of the most popular shows are shows like “Survivor,” and “Dancing with the Stars” and “American Idol” and “the Voice” – where someone is voted off the island (or wherever they happen to be) and there are shows in which people are ridiculed as they are cut from the show.  It’s interesting how so many people in the world today enjoy seeing other people get trampled and kicked and thrown out.  Casting people out into the outer darkness – off the sets – seems to be very popular.


But when we look at other aspects of our culture, we find a tolerance that would seem to belie the above examples.  There is an “all must succeed attitude” in our schools – no child left behind - and heaven forbid that any student should fail.  And if they do fail, let’s not call it that, let’s call it underachieving.  We don’t want to see anyone hurt or left out, so we see a side of our society where labels are bad – I’m not short, I’m vertically challenged.  It really doesn’t matter what you call it – when I’m trying to reach something from the top shelf in my kitchen, my height is a hindrance.  

This lesson today is not just about eternal life or damnation.  It’s about how we respond to God – the presence of Jesus in our lives.  If we belong to God, are truly his, then it’s going to show – not only in the things we say because talk is cheap - but more so in the things we do.  

Today’s lessons are full of the images of sheep and shepherd.  Ezekiel talks about the Lord as the good shepherd.  Look at the things this good shepherd does… there are six  -


  1. he searches for his sheep
  2. he rescues them  
  3. he feeds them
  4. he binds up the crippled
  5. he strengthens the weak
  6. he watches over them.

Jesus looks for those who follow that example – the six criteria for his judgment of the people are really bound up in this idea.  The six criteria from our gospel lesson:,

  1. I was hungry   -   you fed me
  2. I was thirsty -   you gave me drink
  3. I was naked -   you clothed me
  4. I was a stranger – you took me in
  5. I was sick -   you visited me
  6. I was imprisoned – you came to me

We are invited to search out, rescue, feed, bind up, strengthen and watch over – in the same way that the shepherd did in Ezekiel.  In Matthew 12, when his mother and brothers come looking for him, Jesus says, “Who are my mother and brothers?”  The answer is not “whoever calls on my name.”  The answer is “Whoever does the will of my Father in heaven.”  These are his mother and brothers and sisters.     Amen.

How do you respond when faced with the King of kings and Lord of lords in his earthly form?  Amen.

Sunday, November 12, 2017

Are you ready?

When I was a student at Sam Houston University, a friend of mine named Nancy had a date with an Aggie.  Well, Nancy and her date came in early and so we found a fourth and played a game of Hearts.  Contrary to my normal performance at Hearts, I actually won that night.  Several days later, I got the card from A & M from this guy.  It said, "Someday your ship will come in."  You open it up and it continues, "And you'll be at the train station."  

Now most of you know that my name is Nan.   It's not Nancy, it's not Nanette, or any of the other possible variations.  Now, the problem was, this card was addressed to "Nancy Lewis."  So we never figured out if it was intended for me or for Nancy, but we both decided that he was the one who missed the boat.  He just didn’t pay attention – not unlike the five foolish bridesmaids in our gospel lesson today.  They just didn’t pay attention either.

You know, today’s gospel lesson could be compared to when a hurricane comes through.  Let’s say there were ten guys who bought new generators, but when the hurricane came along half of them realized too late that they forgot to buy extra gasoline to run them.”  So by the time they finally figure out that they need more gas than what’s left from when they tried it out, and they go to the station, the power’s already out and the pumps don’t work, and regardless of how sorry they are, or how much they are willing to pay, they can’t get the gasoline. 

Our five foolish maids came with that same mindset where they believed that all they needed was the lamp because this occasion would be just like all the other weddings they had been a part of.  It just never even crossed their mind that this time it might be different.  But it was different and they didn’t adapt to the change – they were unprepared for change.  And even when they began to get an inkling that this time might be different, they did nothing.  They could see that the others had brought extra oil – and now, with the groom’s delay, they had time to go get oil, but they still didn’t use this time for that purpose.  They waited until the end when the reality of the situation was unavoidable and then it was too late.

These were young women from the groom’s household who wait at some distance from the house to escort the groom and his new bride back to the house when he comes from collecting her from her father’s house – and according to one source, they not only light the way, but they also perform a welcome dance to honor the new bride who will be living among them.  

While these maids wait for the groom they grow drowsy and fall asleep.  Someone likened the five foolish maids to everyone’s worst nightmare…  Well, maybe not nightmare – but that common dream so many of us have – each our own versions – about not being prepared at the appropriate time.  My particular dream usually has to do with going to class to take a test – in my dream, not only have I not studied for the test, but I’ve never even attended the class and I’m not sure where it is.

These young ladies have participated in other weddings and they don’t expected this to be any different.  Like the foolish maids, we, too, may be resistant to change.  We often expect everything to stay the same – like there’s some kind of status quo that’s never going to change.  We do this in our personal life, in our professional life and even in our church life.  Maybe we have a good thing going, and we expect it to stay the same.  Then it doesn’t and like the five foolish maids, by the time we recognize that there is a problem, it’s too late to reverse the situation.  It’s like a wife (or husband) who doesn’t realize there’s a problem with their marriage until their spouse asks for a divorce.  Or like parents who overlook the signs of alcohol or drug abuse by their child until they are called by the police.  There could be any number of scenarios that we could imagine or name.  

Churches can be just as blasé about what is going on in their parish.  They can be just as resistant to change as individuals.  They like to see new people come in – but that causes discomfort if the new people are different.  One of the churches in our diocese decided that they needed some way to incorporate new people into their church family.  And sometimes it’s just too long to wait for the bishop to come, so they’ve come up with a service of “inclusion” – they call it the “Liturgy of Belonging.”  We have actually used this here in the past.  There is a little service after The Peace when a family has expressed a desire to become a part of the parish family.  Patterned somewhat after the Baptism service near the end, the priest turns to the congregation and asks:  

Will you welcome (name/s) into this family, embrace their gifts, their needs, and their dreams?  Will you recognize that their presence and participation will change the shape of the body and help it grow in new ways?  Will you support them in their journeys, and assist them in their ministries?

And the answer is:   Yes! Yes! Yes!

This is very intentional in the realization that when new people are added to a congregation, there will be change.  And it is very intentional in recognizing the need for new blood in the church and the change that will occur and the intention to accept that change.  I guess that you could consider it to be something like a marriage ceremony.

Like the maids in our story, maybe we’re waiting for something to happen in our lives.  The five wise maids anticipate a future that involves them and they want to be prepared.  We may be anticipating a change in our lives also.  We may be waiting for the birth of a child, or for a phone call that offers us a job…  maybe for our child to graduate from high school and leave for college...   news from the doctor’s office…  that special person to pledge to share our life with…  All these circumstances are going to create change in our lives.  We have to be prepared to face that change regardless of what it brings.  If we are not willing to grow and change, then we will stagnate and die.  

It reminds me of one of my favorite sayings: “all you have to do is suit up and show up and the Holy Spirit will take care of the rest.”  Well, maybe sometimes that doesn’t quite get it.  You have to be accepting of whatever is going on, and willing to fulfill your part, whatever that might be.  But it’s about being prepared and ready to do your part.    

Notice that this is a wedding feast – not a funeral.  It is a joyous occasion – an occasion for celebration.  And also notice that the participants are not alone – even in the waiting.  When things go slow, when nothing appears to be happening – when you wait for the future to reveal itself to you – you are not alone.  There is always someone there with you – with similar questions or doubts or struggles – but ready to sit with you and share what is happening.  It is not unlike what is happening here at Grace.  We know that a new rector is long in coming, but knowing that the vestry is now receiving names and preparing to go out, even this month to visit and interview, we have to be prepared.  We also know that a new rector is going to change the dynamic of Grace, and we each have to be prepared for that change. 

This whole story is considered to be somewhat allegorical.  Scholars are very careful to point out that we are not to consider it a complete allegory.  The difference between the two groups of bridesmaids is said to be their faith preparation.  It takes faith to wait – faith to sustain us during the long night watches.  It takes faith and courage to change when that is needed.  It takes knowing and believing that when the Lord calls us to wait or to make changes in our life, that he will give us the strength and the tools to accomplish what needs to be done, or to survive the changes that are made.  We prepare our lives, our hearts and our minds so that when the Lord comes, we may go in with him, rejoicing and may feast at the table that he has set for us.  Are you ready for the changes that are coming?

Sunday, November 5, 2017

For all the Saints

Almighty God, you have knit together your elect in one communion and fellowship in the mystical body of your Son…  Today we are celebrating All Saints – so we might ask the question, “Who are the saints?”  Some of you will begin to name people like Saint Paul and Mother Theresa, and Joan of Arc and any number of those recognized by the church as being saintly.  Others of you will begin to name people you have known who had a special heart for God and a spirit of love.  St. Paul always used the word in the context of the believers of Jesus Christ.

In our reading from the Book of Revelation today, we get John’s vision of the saints in heaven worshipping around the throne of God.  And I just absolutely love that it says that there are “a great multitude. . . from every nation, tribe and people and language. . . all robed in white worshipping God and the Lamb.”  That means we don’t all have to look and sound alike.  This is one of the readings often used for funerals.  It’s very comforting to believe that we will not be alone when we die, that there is something bigger than we are, that all those things that have tormented us in life, will be overcome and destroyed in death.

In the same way our Epistle gives us much hope:  We are God’s children now (in other words,  we belong – we belong to something bigger and better than we could ever ask for.  We belong to the one who matters.) What we will be has not yet been revealed.  (Lot of wisdom in that statement because we really don’t know.)  What we do know (the one thing that we can be sure of – the one thing that we are promised) is this: When he is revealed, we will be like him, for we will see him as he is. 

The way I see it, is that we are given two promises.  

In this life, we are not promised happiness, riches, health, love, or any other thing that most people desire in this life.  The promise we have from God is that regardless of what happens to us, regardless of what state we find ourselves in – God will be here with us!  That is his promise for this life – our life on earth.  God will be with us – to encourage us, to strengthen us, to comfort us, to fill us, to love us.  That is his promise for our life here on earth.  When we are going through tough times – when we are in pain, when we are alone, when we grieve, God is there with us.  He is there with us in both the good times and the bad times.  He laughs with us, he cries with us, he rejoices with us, he grieves with us.  He is there to share with us.  We don’t see him, but we can feel his presence.  We are never alone.

That’s the first promise and the second is like it…

The second promise is that in death, we will be with him.  Our lesson from 1st John says, “we will be like him – for we will see him as he is.”  Even Genesis says that we are made in his image – and that means we will see ourselves as we are – the spirit that lives within us.  

Our lesson from 1st John also says that those who live in this hope “purify themselves, just as he is pure.”  My commentary said this meant that we are required to live virtuous ethical lives… emulating the essential goodness, purity, of God.  Well, that would sure be great if it were that easy, but too often our human emotions get in the way.

I think we would love for our heroes to be heroes and our villains to be villains – that way we can always tell them apart.  But more often than not, the lines get blurred.    One of the popular shows on TV a few years ago was called “Heroes.”  In the first season, you could sort of tell who the heroes were and who the villains were.  But by the time the third season came around, the lines became so blurred between hero and villain that they began to all look the same and the heroes began to disappoint.  I think that’s the reason it didn’t last past the third season.  It portrayed that mixing that takes place in humanity – but it also took it much too far for cultural tastes.

In the Matthew’s beatitudes Jesus turns the world upside down with his idea of who is blessed. . .  In the Hebrew society blessedness was seen in those who had everything – money, power, position. . .   One commentator called these the Be-Attitudes – the attitudes we need to have to BE right in this world.  So we hear Jesus say “blessed are the poor in spirit – for they know their need of God. . .  Blessed are those who mourn – we will all mourn at some point in time and God will comfort us. . . Blessed are the meek, those who don’t force their will on others  . . . Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for the Lord will fill us with good. . .  Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy in return. . . Blessed are the pure in heart, for when you seek God, you will find him. . . Blessed are the peace makers, as you seek to help others find peace you will be seen as children of God. . . And when you are persecuted, remember that I am with you.  And great is your reward in heaven.

N. T. Wright, former Bishop of Durham says that Jesus is admonishing us to strive for these qualities.  We may strive for these things, but no matter how good we try to be, no matter how hard we strive – when we live in this world – it is going to impinge upon us – and we will often fall short of our expectation of ourselves and other’s expectation of us.  And by the same token, those around us who we love and sometimes depend on are going to fall short of our expectations of them.

Some of you may remember the TV series M*A*S*H.  In it, Dr. Hawkeye Pierce is a surgeon with a mobile army hospital.  He is an excellent surgeon who is disillusioned by war and the atrocities of war.  There is another character, Corporeal O’Reilly – better known as “Radar.”  Radar looks up to Hawkeye and thinks he can do no wrong.  And in one episode, Hawkeye gets drunk and when a rash of wounded are brought in, he has to leave the patient he is working on to go throw up.  It totally crushed Radar’s image of Hawkeye and Hawkeye tells him, I don’t want your worship – I can’t live up to the image you project on me – I can’t live up to your expectation.

No matter how hard we strive, we are human.  Part of the human condition is that we make mistakes, and we are not perfect.  In that, we can hardly be called saints if saints are those who live perfect lives.  But according to Paul, saints are those who know and love the Lord – who strive after him living the best life they are capable of.  And hopefully, in death, we will be remembered for our love of God and those things we did which pleased him.  And we trust we will be forgiven for the sins we committed and the unholiness we may have harbored in ourselves – because the truth is that we don’t have to live up to someone else’s expectation of us - (and not even our own expectation) – we simply have to trust that God will accept our meager efforts because of our love of him and that he will forgive us the rest.

Remember the two promises: In this life God will be with us, and in the next life, we will be with God. Amen.