In 1 Peter 2:2-10, we are admonished to long for spiritual milk so that we might. become part of a spiritual house and a holy priesthood. I don't know about you, but a number of years ago, I would have said, "Who me? Holy?" I didn't understand that "holy" means sanctified by God.
We are not holy because we are perfect - none of us are, but we are indeed a holy priesthood because we are followers of Jesus Christ. We are that chosen race that was redeemed through the blood of Jesus, and although we are all different colors and nationalities, we all worship the same God and we are therefore God's people, a holy nation. From the minute we said "yes" to God, He lifted us up and crowned us with his own glory. And now, accepted, forgiven, and lifted up, we begin the life-long process of living into that identity as a part of God's family.
Amen, Sister Friend!